‘Border security is possible with peace, not with weapons’

  • actual
  • 12:30 30 March 2024
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IZMIR - Retired fighter pilot Bahadır Altan said that improving the defense system against the UCAVs used by Turkey could reverse air superiority and emphasized that border security is possible not with weapons, but with peace.

Turkey's attacks against the Zap, Metina and Avaşin regions in the Federated Kurdistan region have been continuing since April 17, 2022. Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) are the primary weapons used by Turkey in these attacks. However, the People's Defense Center (HSM) Headquarters Command made a remarkable statement regarding UCAVs on March 20. In the statement, it was stated that "The opportunity to neutralize the UCAVs was captured" and that 15 UCAVs were shot down between February 13 and March 20.
Evaluating the issue, retired fighter pilot Bahadır Altan said that the development of the defense system could reverse the air superiority between the parties. Altan pointed out the importance of air defense and said: "If you are using an UCAV, even an infantry rifle changes the color of the situation. The range of the plane you will fly and the range of the missile you will fire will have to change accordingly. But we must not forget that war is a bottomless pit and there will be no winner. This time one side is equipped with an air defense system, you have to take precautions against it. Or you buy it. Now, the Turkish Armed Forces will purchase or produce weapons that will eliminate that defense system. Then another system will be developed against them. This is a situation where there will be no end and no winner. It's already a war."
Stating that people living in the West must see that there will be no winners in the war, Altan said: "For example, was the USA, which has the largest army in the world, able to hold on to Vietnam by massing? Because there is an owner of those lands. The main conclusion to be drawn from here is that it was not only the resistance that stopped the Vietnam war. A struggle was waged against the war in the USA. In Turkey, it is necessary to understand that this war forms the basis of all negativities. People in the West must see that they are also harmed as a result of this war and that the problems, including economic difficulties, are caused by the war. Unfortunately, the opposition does not do this. The opposition, which criticizes the government on every issue and tells its mistakes, stands behind security-oriented, warlike and expansionist policies as if it was the only one doing the right thing in this regard. From CHP mayors who wrote their names on the bombs thrown there, they describe the operations as 'success'. Those who applaud have their share. These feed the war. Therefore, if we want the economic problems in this country to end, we need to explain to the people in the West how necessary the desire for peace is."
Underlining that no war lasts forever, Altan said that prolonging wars only increases suffering. Emphasizing that there will be peace eventually, Altan said: "You have to sign peace with the person you are fighting with. The current conjecture determines the conditions, but it is very clear that peace is needed. We can suffer this pain for another 40 years. Our grandchildren and children can suffer this pain. Why should we waste so much time, and the country is in this state spend its resources on war? Peace is possible. There are millions living there and they do not agree with you. But they want to make peace with you. There are a people who want to exist there. Those are not our lands. Turkey also says, 'We have no eyes on an inch of anyone's land.' Then, why are there soldiers there? People in the West should see this and not be fooled by the government's propaganda and show their will for peace." 
Pointing out that preparations were made for a new attack after the election, Altan continued: "No border is safe unless there is a friendly country with which peace has been signed. They increased the safe area, which was 20 kilometers before, to 70 kilometers. If you increase it to 170 kilometers, there is no such thing as protecting that border. However, a safe border is the peace you establish with what is beyond the border. Neither weapons, radars nor F-16s are sufficient to ensure security. Which border can you make safe with a brutal bombardment, as Israel did in Gaza, just because there is no defense force against it? That land has an owner."
MA / Tolga Güney