Sarısözen: There is a NATO plan behind the Rojava and Palestine attacks

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  • 11:39 19 October 2023
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ISTANBUL - Stating that NATO's plans for the region are behind the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria and Palestine, journalist Veysi Sarısözen emphasized that the aim of both attacks is "liquidation".

In Turkey's ongoing attacks against civilians in Northern and Eastern Syria, many facilities such as schools, hospitals, dams, water and electricity were targeted. Many people, including children, lost their lives in the region, which was bombed dozens of times. Evaluating the ongoing attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria, journalist Veysi Sarısözen stated that the attacks should not be kept silent.
Sarısözen noted that the policies of attack in the Middle East in general, Turkey's attack on Northern and Eastern Syria in particular, and Israel's attack on Palestine developed within the plans of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Both states are affiliated with NATO; Stating that Israel, in particular, is NATO's "outpost" in the Middle East, Sarısözen said: "The basis of Turkey's attack on Rojava and Israel's attack on Palestine is the US's targets against Iran. Before the USA, that is, NATO, came to the front with Iran; One wants to liquidate and disable Palestine, Hezbollah and Hamas, and the other wants to eliminate Rojava and media defense areas. They are in a strategic plan to attack Iran if these are disabled. Therefore, both the explosion in Ankara and Hamas' attack on Israel are an excuse for their policies."
Stating that NATO assigned these two states a duty as a complement to the Third World War, Sarısözen said: “These war policies are policies integrated with NATO. I am in favor of looking at these developments from a wider window."
Journalist Veysi Sarısözen
Stating Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan's words regarding Northern and Eastern Syria, "All infrastructure and superstructure facilities and energy facilities are our legitimate target from now on", and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attacks on Gaza, the region's electricity and water supply were cut short meas a "war crime", Sarıözen said: "They openly say, 'I intend to kill even civilians.' "In fact, Israel and Turkey's methods are no different from each other."
Evaluating the current situation of Palestine, Sarısözen continued his words as follows: “Palestine is talked about as if it were the Palestine of the time of Arafat and Leyla Halid. In fact, Palestine of that period was the center of a national liberation movement in alliance with socialist countries. It was also the center of revolutionary processes in the Middle East. But a lot of water has flowed over those days. The Palestine of that day has become a state today. The state-run Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is allied with the west; Hamas, on the other hand, is in alliance with the Middle East, with Iran, and therefore with Russia and China. The PLO is in alliance with Israel and therefore with NATO. What they did no longer means a national liberation struggle. What's happening here now: The issue of killing women and children and the destruction of infrastructure and superstructures are human rights issues. This means that the current character of solidarity with Palestine is not the same. It is not right to confuse PLO and Hamas. The Palestinian people are an oppressed people. The interests of the people and the interests of the forces of the Palestinian state in Gaza and the Palestinian center have incompatible interests."
Emphasizing that Northern and Eastern Syria follow the "Third Way" and are a result of the Kurdish freedom movement, Sarısözen said: "It is directly fighting against imperialism. This imperialism is Kurdish regional imperialism and is at war against NATO's second largest army; therefore, solidarity with Rojava is directly solidarity with anti-imperialism.”
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